Acronym: AMHealthyFuture
Framework: EIT Manufacturing
Duration of the project: 01.01.2023. – 31.12.2023.
Aim of the project:
The long-term aim of this project is to feed the pipeline of future talent for advanced manufacturing industries. Children, especially girls, need interventions at a young age to dispel negative stereotypes around what kind of jobs are accessible and interesting and conversely to plant positive perceptions of science engineering and technology.
Project partners:
Activity of PBN:
In the project PBN will translate the training materials into Hungarian and deliver teacher training sessions locally. Industry professionals from companies will visit schools to run sustainability & circular economy workshops with pupils. PBN will organize and coordinate the engagement of schools to participate in the project and in the challenge, and will organise a national competition final, as well as participating in a prestigious European showcase event.
Budget in Euro:
Project overall budget: 227,745.00 EUR
Program homepage:
Project manager: Virág Szuák (
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