Framework: Interreg Central Europe
Duration of the project: 01.04.2019- 31.03.2022
Aim of the project:
CHAIN REACTIONS addresses the challenge for industrial regions not benefitting from innovation activities from large leading corporations to increase regional capacity to absorb new knowledge and turn it into competitiveness edge and business value. There is a strong need to help SMEs to overcome capacity shortages for innovation and integration into transnational value chains.The project aims at empowering regional ecosystems with the knowledge and tools to help businesses overcome those barriers and generate sustained growth through value chain innovation.CHAIN REACTIONS focuses thereby on modern approaches considering value chains and their complex developments rather than linear technology transfer approaches. The framework of value chain innovation builds on Porter’s 5 forces framework (new entrants, substitutes, customers, suppliers, and rivalry) and transversal innovation drivers: key enabling technologies, resource efficiency, digital transformation, and service innovation. The focus is on key sectors:
advanced manufacturing, ICT and electronics, energy and environment, health and bio-economy in accordance with their S3 priorities.Develop practical instruments (e.g. maturity models) to measure innovation potential and capacity of businesses for the application of the innovation drivers, as wells as instruments enabling to foster and support value chain innovation processes.Set up triple helix Innovation and Growth Alliances and developing their capacity to support value chain innovation through training and practical implementation.Set up value chain observatories to analyse selected industrial sectors and their value chains, and implement the models and instruments developed (pilot).Foster transnational S3 implementation and the emergence of new transnational value chains by creating transnational open spaces for collaboration in the selected industrial sectors.
Project partners:
Activity of PBN:
Being the Lead Applicant, PBN will play a central role in the implementation of all project activities. Besides WPM, PBN will also lead the work package for communication and be in charge of fostering interaction and synergies with other Interreg Central Europe projects, but also establish connections with relevant projects from other programmes. In Hungary, PBN will ensure the transfer of the project outcomes to a large number of innovation intermediaries, such as cluster organisations. Its close links to the Ministry of Economy will come in handy. In the Győr-Moson-Sopron, PBN will be in charge of performing the locally planned activities, such as mapping of the innovation ecosystem, value chain analysis, and training activities. Taking into account its experiences with European projects and transnational collaboration, PBN will have a proactive role in the mutual learning activities in WPT2 and the pilot in WPT3. PBN will aim at involving the relevant local stakeholders from the University and businesses. PBN will benefit from the project by increasing significantly its competences as a business support organisation. PBN will not perform economic activities in the context of the project.
Budget in Euro:
2.090.597,00 EUR
ERDF: 1.736.183,85 EUR
Project homepage:
Program homepage:
Project manager: Németh Róbert (
„The project is realized in the Interreg Central Europe programme with the co-financing of the European Union and Hungary."
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