Name: Tex-EASTile: sustainable innovation for textile in South East Europe
Acronym: Tex-EASTile
Time: 12. 03. 2009. – 11. 03. 2012.
Goal: Tex-EASTtile aims to spread and boost knowledge and application of environmental certification to products and processes in home textile and workwear within the SEE area. Assuming that eco-design labels are synonymous with high technology products and improved company culture, the project wants to contribute to the reinforcement of the competitive positioning of textile enterprises within the SEE area.
Partners: Euroimpresa Legnano S.c.r.l, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia - Accredited testing laboratory for textile and dyes, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Clothing textile and fiber technological development, Center of entrepreneurial and technological development of Thessaly Region, Cotton Textile and Clothing Centre, Center for Technological Development Energy and Lombardy Region SMEs Competitiveness, Research Development National Institute for Textile and Leather, Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sarajevo Economic Regional Development Agency
PBN’s activity: Pannon Business Network takes part in each of the work packages during the whole project duration. As a part of the project management, PBN provides the needed human resources for the project. PBN has a special responsibility in the project as the leader of work package 5 (Pilot Application) during the project implementation. In this work package, PBN will coordinate the activities and take part in the technical implementation as well. PBN is also responsible for the organization of the final conference, where the results of the project and their possible everyday applications will be presented.
Possible activities of PBN partners: Dissemination, surveys, research.
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