Name: Improvement of CE regions' accessibility through air transport interconnectivity
Duration: 01.03.2010 - 28.02.2013.
Aim: Accessibility is an essential factor for improving competiveness and a necessary precondition for enonomic development and growth. Free movement of people, goods and information increases efficiency and improves the development prospects for the regions. However, compared to Western Europe the majority of Central Europe suffers from significant accessibility deficits. This accessibility gap is reflected by significantly higher travel times as well as poor intramodal and intermodal links – with detrimental effects on business settlements, regional-economic development, and tourist attractiveness. Thus, central objective of the CHAMPIONS project is the improvement of Central Europe regions’ accessibility and interconnectivity.
The general objective of the CHAMPIONS project has three dimensions: 1) Strenghtening the Central European and international accessibility through long-distance links (air), 2) Improving the interconnectivity through passengers information systems, 3) Fostering the regional accessibility of public transport (rail, bus). CHAMPIONS aims to strengthen the internal cohesion of Central Europe through a better accessibility by air transport on one hand and innovative and sustainable solutions of public transport on the other hand.
The activity of PBN: PBN contributes to the project aims with the survey of the best logistic practices of the West Pannon region in Hungary, as well as represents the regional interests regarding the future strategies and policies with getting together of the policymakers.
Official website of the project:
The project is realized with the co-financing of the CENTRAL EUROPE program of the European Union and the Hungarian Republic.
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