9700 Szombathely, Zanati út 32-36.

+36 94 505 003



Boosting digital and industrial capacity for sustainable circular transition of women entrepreneurs in the Danube Region



: WE.Circular
Framework: Danube Reginal Programme
Duration of the project: 01.01.2024 - 30.06.2026

Aim of the project:

The main objective of the WE.Circular project is to address a very important challenge – to increase the digital and business skills of women entrepreneurs for the industry transition and to provide key stakeholders with the skills needed to develop and implement smart specialization strategies, preparing female entrepreneurs from the Danube region for the transition to Industry 4.0, while fulfilling aspects of the circular economy. The specific objectives of the project are: To overcome the challenges of the transition to a circular economy by developing innovative training programs to improve the skills and competencies of women entrepreneurs. To accelerate the transition to a circular economy of women-led businesses by introducing circular business models; Increase the capacity of public authorities to develop policy instruments/programmes for the transition to a circular economy for women entrepreneurs and harmonize S3s in the same area.

Project partners:

  • Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations (RAPIV)– Varna, (Bulgaria); 
  • Ministry of Economy and Industry, (Bulgaria);
  • Ministry of Innovation and Growth, (Bulgaria);
  • VFU „Chernorizets Hrabar”, (Bulgaria);
  • Innovation Region of Styria, (Austria);
  • Technology Park of Varazdin, (Croatia);
  • bwcon GmbH, (Germany);
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Stajerska, (Slovenia);
  • Pannon Business Network, (Hungary);
  • Slovak Business Agency, (Slovakia);
  • Organization for Entrepreneurship Development – ODIMM, (Moldova);
  • Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, (Bosnia and Herzegovina);
  • University of Sarajevo, (Bosnia and Herzegovina);
  • Association of Business Women in Serbia, (Serbia)
  • IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary) 

Activity of PBN:

The PBN plays a crucial role in the project primarily in three areas:

  • Skills Development and Transnational Cooperation: PBN is responsible for analyzing national skill needs and gaps, identifying Hungarian best practices, participating in Transnational Learning Events, and contributing to the establishment of thematic working groups and the development of training programs and a transnational learning network.
  • Circular Economy Business Model Development: PBN takes a leading role in developing circular economy business models, including establishing WE.Circular Labs, organizing innovation contests, and elaborating business models through co-creation methods and local engagement.
  • Policy Engagement and Strategic Development: PBN is involved in establishing national stakeholder groups, selecting Advisory Board members, analyzing legal frameworks, developing regional action plans, engaging policymakers, and contributing to the development of transnational strategies and toolboxes for policy improvement in the context of the circular economy transition.

Budget in Euro:
Project overall budget: 2.399.262,97
Interreg Funds (PBN):123 668,80 €

Project homepage: https://interreg-danube.eu/projects/wecircular
Program homepage: https://interreg-danube.eu/
Project manager: Amanda Döme (amanda.dome@pbn.hu)

'This project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme project co-funded by the European Union'
