9700 Szombathely, Zanati út 32-36.

+36 94 505 003



Boosting smart specialization and encouraging Spinoffs in IT across Danube Region


Acronym: SpinIT
Framework: Danube Reginal Programme
Duration of the project: 01.01.2024 - 30.06.2026

Aim of the project:

The SpinIT project, launched to address significant territorial disparities in the Danube Region, is poised to revolutionize innovation, knowledge exchange, and technological development. The project's primary focus is on less developed areas, particularly in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, where disparities in innovation capacity and isolation of ecosystems persist.
SpinIT's aims to directly influence innovation intermediaries, start-ups, SMEs, and advanced ecosystems; engage a wide range of stakeholders; and raise awareness about the benefits of ecosystem linkages and skills development aligned with Smart Specialization Strategies.

Strategic Focus: IT, Industry 4.0, and Cross-Sector Collaboration
The project operates in 10 locations across 9 countries in the Danube Region, recognizing that regional challenges require a transnational approach. SpinIT promotes knowledge exchange and transnational implementation of pilot projects to support digitalization, smart specialization, and sustainable development in the region as a whole. SpinIT strategically collaborates with other projects and initiatives, drawing from completed and ongoing initiatives, and utilizing existing networks to avoid duplication of effort. 

Project partners:

  • Zenica Development Agency ZEDA ltd (BA)
  • DEX Innovation centre (CZ)
  • Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb (HR)
  • innomine Digital Innovation Hub Nonprofit Ltd. (HU)
  • Optimization Ltd. (HR)
  • University of Montenegro (ME)
  • Institution for development of competences, innovation and specialization (HR)
  • Municipality of Cluj-Napoca (RO)
  • European Development Agency (CZ)
  • INOSENS Ltd Novi Sad (RS)
  • ASPECT-Management and Intercultural Relations (BG)
  • Foundation for Innovation, Technology and Transfer of Knowledge (BA)
  • Association for responsible urban development and communication (AT)
  • Bulgaria Economic Forum (BG)
  • Pannon Business Network Association (HU)
  • University of Pannonia (HU)
  • Scientific Reseach Centre Bistra Ptuj (SI)

Activity of PBN:

PBN will actively participate in the skills and capacity-building activities related to S3. 
Also, PBN will contribute to setting up, implementing, and validating pilot measures in the IT sector and smart technologies in the Danube Region. 
In addition, PBN will work together with partners to capitalize on lessons learned, develop guidelines, recommend policies, and promote the adoption of digital transformation in the Danube Region.

Budget in Euro:
Project overall budget: 2.419.000,00
Interreg Funds (PBN):115 680,00 €

Project homepagehttps://interreg-danube.eu/projects/spinit
Program homepage: https://interreg-danube.eu/
Project manager: Virág  Szuák (virag.szuak@pbn.hu)

'This project is supported by the Interreg Danube Region Programme project co-funded by the European Union'
