9700 Szombathely, Zanati út 32-36.

+36 94 505 003



Strengthening the availability and processing of Open Data to support local growth and urban transformation

Framework: Interreg Europe
Duration of the project: 01.03.2023. – 28.02.2027.

Aim of the project:

The OD4GROWTH project aims to move along this path: increasing the quality and quantity of data on the one hand, and improving the well-being and quality of life of citizens through better public services, new applications and new products on the other. The partnership is made up of institutions with more experience in this field (Spain, Italy, Poland, France, Lithuania) and those (Greece, Hungary, Latvia) that need to be supported in increasing the availability and usability of open data. On the other hand, countries that are more advanced in data accessibility need to expand the scope of application, including advanced technologies and digitisation of production processes.OD4GROWTH aims to contribute to the growth of the EU by improving and reviewing policies that strengthen the data economy in the EU and contribute to a smarter Europe.

Project partners:

  • Veneto Region
  • PBN
  • Mazovia Development Agency
  • Szombathely Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
  • Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces
  • Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības administrācija, Latvia
  • Silute District Administration
  • Regional Development Fund of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace

Activity of PBN:

PBN's role in the project: to provide a relevant, high-quality open data platform and development environment is a prerequisite for the development of the health sector. This includes the provision of an appropriate testing environment and simulation facilities. This is achieved through a complex programme of data-related activities involving multiple actors, which are in fact physically linked.

Budget in Euro:
Project overall budget: 1 827 628 EUR
Project homepage: www.interregeurope.eu/od4growth 
Program homepage: https://www.interregeurope.eu/
Project manager: Virág  Szuák (virag.szuak@pbn.hu)

"The project is realized in the Interreg Europe programme with the co-financing of the European Union and Hungary."
