Acronym: NOTRE
Framework: Interreg Europe
Duration of the project: 01.03.2023. – 28.02.2027.
Aim of the project:
Bringing new ideas successfully to the market is an enormous challenge. 95% is the probability of failure for new consumer products. Only 40% of the developed products (out of the 5% of the total) reaches the market entry, and only 60% of them generate sales. Only 11% of the new products with sales performance survives 52 weeks. Therefore, supporting product ideas is the early phase, ensuring their market validity is a fundamental goal. Regions allocate significant resources to catalyse new products and rejuvenate their manufacturing portfolio. A potential application area of new methods is focusing on the senior care, where product launches are essential to meet market demand. In 2019, 90.4 million seniors (aged 65 years or more) represented 20.8% of the EU-27 population. Ageing society is one of the biggest challenges of our contemporary life – be it individuals, governments, local communities, or the health-systems. The issue is raising strong concerns in all EU regions, and it is a high priority for all countries and regions. In each partner region, there is a policy instrument which aims to support innovative new product and service development for SMEs. Within the framework of NOTRE project, partners dedicate their efforts to support the improvement of the Policy instruments targeting healthy ageing related innovation. To help SMEs and start-ups, a test infrastructure for product validation will be available in different regions. The main goal of NOTRE is to improve policy instruments targeting healthy ageing related innovation. Element of success are the contribution to exchange of experience in boosting the setting up and operation of test and experimentation environment for seniors’ product and service development and creation a network of internationally connected test facilities and households enabling unique, international product validation environment for SMEs and start-ups.
Project partners:
Activity of PBN:
Pannon Business Network (PBN) applied research and development and training center. To facilitate the digital, sustainable, resilient development, it provides a development environment to meet unique business needs through its innovation center and test environment. IN NOTRE project our newest department, at-home gets a significant role with the aim of supporting novel methods in senior-care related innovation. As a Lead Partner, our aim is to support and coordinate the partnership in a way that all of the participating region can reach the overall goal, to support Policy Instrument targeting senior-care related innovation. With the help of thematic trainings, regional and interregional studies, staff exchanges, study visits and god practices we strongly believe that NOTRE can became on of the main pillar of the planned development at at.home.
Budget in Euro:
Project overall budget: 2.013.393 EUR
ERDF funding: 1,569,529.40 EUR
Project homepage:
Program homepage:
Project manager: Renáta Csabai (
'The project is realized in the Interreg Europe program with the cofinancing of the European Union and Hungary'
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