9700 Szombathely, Zanati út 32-36.

+36 94 505 003



PBN was participating on the Kick-off meeting of a new Interreg Central Europe project, called 4 STEPS.


The two-day-long meeting was taken place in Bologna on 15-16 May 2019. , where partners presenting the states of the art of their national strategies for the application of Industry 4.0 principles as well as partners were presenting their relations with Digital Innovation Hubs. Besides, Pannon Business Network, as the leader of the first thematic work package of the project, demonstrated the foreseen activities and deadlines to fulfill the first steps of the project


More information about 4STEPS: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/4STEPS.html?fbclid=IwAR2C_fuQcS3tYN-daS4uUK3P1kjEadqUIm9vWzSgojhuIiGUcOwUbch3tbA




"The project is realized in the Interreg Central Europe programme with the co-financing of the European Union and Hungary."
