Acronym: 4STEPS
Framework: Interreg Central Europe Programme Call 3
Duration of the project: 01.04.2019-31.03.2022
Aim of the project:
4STEPS project is addressing the main challenge of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) as tool towards a new, digital industrial revolution holding the promise of increased flexibility in manufacturing, mass customisation, increased speed, better quality and improved productivity and its development is supporting the RIS3 in the target regions in the different sectors. Main project objective is to support the successful RIS3 implementation applying the I4.0 to all the industrial sectors identified by each region. SMEs will be the main target and they will be involved via the CE network of the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)– including also the relevant stakeholders of the R&D sector, governance actors, society thanks to the holistic approach. 4STEPS will lead to an improved level of innovative productive methods and application of I4.0 thanks to a Catalogue development of main possible services offered, a Technology Maturity Level Index development, Transnational Action plan and the creation of the Digital Innovation Hubs, tested during the pilot actions. The project approach developed within the 4STEPS project will consider the Industry 4.0 plans applied in CE countries which are linked to the digitalised production system that will result in a wide range of changes to manufacturing processes, outcomes and business models.
Project partners:
Activity of PBN:
Thanks to its deep experience in EU project PBN will actively collaborate and ensure the fulfillment of the planned results in all work packages of the project. In WPT1 we will coordinate the activities, supporting the definition of the check-up tool (out of the examples of previous projects) and will develop a first proposal of the Catalogue. Our association will involve the companies of the region, and we will implement the check-up with the Hungarian SMEs. In addition, we will contribute in the definition of the TML index, identifying in collaboration with the LP and with the PPs the indicators to be included in the index. As it concerns WPT2, PBN will contribute to the definition of action models and guidelines adapted to the involved companies’ needs and development of the Transnational Action Plan and will involve all the actors of the quadruple helix in the workshop addressed to workers and citizens. PBN will support SMEs of a wider area and will contribute to the DIH Central Europe network development (WPT2). Its activities will be tested and improved within the Pilot planned in WPT3. PBN will support also the definition of the priorities for the RIS3 development and improvement.
Budget in Euro:
Project overall budget: 2.085.368,10 €
ERDF funding: 1.710.571,16 €
Project homepage:
Program homepage:
Project manager: Martin Dan (
"Project co-funded by European Union Funds (ERDF)"
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