ACRONYM: V4Clusters
Supporting program: International Visegrad Fund
Duration: 01.10.2013 - 31.12.2014
Aim: Clusters are powerful engines of economic development and drivers of innovation in the EU. It is a challenge for the V4 to address the cluster issue by this pilot project enabling its integration in a broader V4 agenda. The aim of the project is to open the potential hidden in clusters and their cooperation across strong and emerging sectors of the V4 by their identification and informatisation in the digital depository and portal interfaced with the V4 integrated information platform.
Activity of PBN: 4 V4Cluster-Net event at Győr, Nitra, Gliwice, Ostrava; Participation in all project activities - identification of Hungarian clusters, colletion of required data, cluster networking promotion, cooperation with cluster manager on the Hungarian Action Plan.
Project homepage: Under construction
Program homepage:
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