9700 Szombathely, Zanati út 32-36.

+36 94 505 003


InnoPeer AVM

"PEER-to-peer network of INNOvation agencies and business schools developing a novel transnational qualification programme on AdVanced Manufacturing for the needs of Central European SME"

Acronym: InnoPeer AVM
Framework programme: Interreg Central Europe
Duration: 01.07.2017. – 30.06.2020.
Aim of the project:

The InnoPeer AVM partnership of 11 organisations from 5 CE countries is commited to develop and pilot the 1stcomprehensive, transnational AVM qualification programme shaped to the needs of CE companies, spec. SME. The multi-level programme will cover 3 knowledge dimensions (AVM technologies, human resource/organisational mgmt., business model dev.) using a mix of well-proven and novel training formats and methods for basic, advanced and practical trainings, like Living Lab webinars, practical test runs at a Model Factory and AVM strategy Camps. As an absolute novelty a compilation of "Teaching Cases" ("Harvard Business School style") based on real CE SME challenges will be developed. Participants attending the complete curriculum will write SME-related thesis to become "InnoPeer-certified AVM managers". Pilot trainings will involve target companies+innovation managers from all PP regions. The piloted programme will be made freely available for sustain. enlargement of peer networks involved in AVM qualification across CE.

Project partners:

  • Business Upper - Austria
  • Institute Of Work Research And Work Policy At Johannes Kepler University Linz - Austria
  • Veneto Innovazione / Veneto Innovatio - Italy
  • Department On Management And Engineering (Dtg) Padua University - Italy
  • Pannon Business Network Association / Pannon Gazdasági Hálózat Egyesület – Hungary
  • Erfaret Knowledge Centre For Forest And Wood Utilization Non-Profit Ltd. / Az Erdő – És Fahasznosítási Tudásközpont Nonprofit Kft. – Hungary
  • Cluster Mechatronics & Automation Management Ggmbh – Germany
  • Bundeswehr University Munich – Germany
  • Wroclaw University Of Technology - Poland
  • Democenter-Sipe Foundation – Italy
  • Fraunhofer Society For The Promotion Of Applied Research – Germany

Activity of PBN:

Innovative PBN will be the leader of WP4 - Communication/Dissemination. Further, PBN will cooperate within the project partnership in all WPs with a special focus on the territorial challenges in the PP region: - to develop advanced support and training addressing young and high-potential innovation managers in order to up-grade of existing innovation policy instruments in West Pannon Region - to involve regional actors with high level of experience and know-how in the peer interaction with transnational partner organizations. All the more from PBN point of view a significant benefit is expected from an increased exchange of knowledge and cultural values promoting creative international business climate that could trigger SME development, esp. in family owned companies, in West Pannon region and further HU regions that will be interested in the Transfer of the InnoPeer results.

Project budget:
2.790.228,80 Project Budget in EUR
2.259.903,98 ERDF funding in EUR
Project homepage: http://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/InnoPeerAVM.html
Program homepage: http://www.interreg-central.eu
Project manager: Zsófia Kocsis (zsofia.kocsis@pbn.hu)


"The project is realized in the Interreg Central Europe programme with the co-financing of the European Union and Hungary."
