Title: Cooperation Among SMEs Toward Logistic Excellence
Acronym: CASTLE • Programme: INTERREG IVC – www.interreg4c.net
Duration: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2011
Objectives: CASTLE was born to answer regional needs to improve SMEs' logistics policies. It relies on solid past cooperation among ten partners in Italy, Poland, Greece, Slovenia, Spain, Germany, Hungary Austria. CASTLE creates an operational matrix of best practices experiences exchange for the development of SMEs logistics public policies which can shorten the divide between transport logistics effectiveness vs. environmental protection energy saving (win-win policymaking in a regional merging of the Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas). CASTLE improves policymaking through the surveying, analysis, exchange transfer of best practices, the creation of a new regional policy tool usable by policymakers, and joint partners policy-making exercises (EU CASTLE Forum). These activities are also triggered on a bottom-up approach in terms of logistics governance consolidation, thanks to the set up of Regional Forums on Logistics which bring SMEs logistics needs to policymakers on the base of the triple-helix principle.
PBN’s activities: PBN contributes to the project aims with the survey of the best logistic practices of the West Pannon region in Hungary, as well as represents the regional interests regarding to the future strategies and policies with getting together of the policymakers. Through the regional forums and dissemination meetings, the regional needs are building into the recommendations on the EU level. In addition, PBN coordinates the initiative of the logistic competence center in Nagykanizsa with the involvement of the local stakeholders. Within the EU surveys which were implemented with the Polish and Austrian partners, PBN is responsible for collecting the best practices in the logistics supply theme. Through continuous communication and dissemination activities, we ensure the promotion of the mission of the MITKE project in a much wider circle. Besides the active professional co-operations deepen our international relationships with the partners much further.
Opportunities for you in the project: Collecting the best logistics practices in the region, defining the future logistics policies, and implementing the logistic competence center in Nagykanizsa.
Official website of the project: www.castle-project.eu
Co-financed by Europen Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG VIC Programme.
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