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Reporting on technology innovation in Central Europe
Centrope ICT Technology Transfer
Programme: FP7 - Regions of Knowledge
Duration: 01.01.2008 – 31.03.2010.
Acronym: CITT
Project title: Centrope ICT Technology Transfer Project
Partner organizations: Vienna Business Agency / Vienna IT Enterprises, First Innovation Park, Brno; BITERAP ICT Cluster, Bratislava
Objectives: CITT is a project which will outline a strategy for a cross-border ICT network for information and communication technologies in the Centrope region and to support this strategy with best practice examples.
Activities by PBN: Coordination of the preparation of ICT sectory analyses
Possible cooperation fields of PBN partners: Coordination of the analysis of the ICT sector
Website: • •
Project manager: Mr. Róbert Németh
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