Title of the project: Implementing World Class Clusters in the CENTRAL EUROPE region
Acronym: C-PLUS
Duration of the project: March 2010. – February 2013.
Overall Objective: The aim of the project is to measure the innovation potential of the SMEs acting as members of a cluster through the comparative benchmarking analysis of the clusters and SMEs and by sharing and adopt the best practices. A further aim is to elaborate regional action plans for the increase of the innovation level and on the base of these to develop a Transnational Action Plan and to realize pilot actions by focusing on the problem zones.
Activities of PBN: Coordination of the development of the international network of cluster managers. The aim is to fund an international cluster manager club. On the base of the elaborated Transnational Action plan the coordination of the realization of pilot actions in the involved regions.
Possible activities of PBN partners: With sectorial focus the share of existing benchmarking experiences and the assistance by business networking between SMEs of the partner countries.
Project homepage: www.projectc-plus.eu
CENTRAL EUROPE program: www.central2013.eu
Projektmanager: Andrea Kurucz
'The project is realized in the CENTRAL EUROPE program with the co-financing of the Hungarian Republic.'
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